Monday, November 23, 2015

Our "Bonus"

About thirteen years ago around this time, we first met our soon to be bonus granddaughter.  Her mother was dating our son, and this little girl won our hearts. 

I can't believe she is 18 today!!!. My oh my, where does the time go? 
One of my favorite memories of her, was the day our son married her mother.  Prior to the wedding this little gal called me 'grandma red hair' (I had red hair at the time.)  When she would refer to me as grandma to her dad, he would tell her I wasn't a real grandma to her.   
This moment is blazed in my memory for a long time:   
While I was in the reception line at the wedding, she ran up to me and said,
 " Now you ARE my real grandma". 
She stole my heart that day!!!

Charli would love to come to the cottage for Granny Daze, and she was such a big help.  From getting her cousins and sisters ready for the day, to helping roast marshmallows around an evening campfire, she was my assistant.

One of the favorite of our "Granny Daze" was the year we had a tea party.  Even though there were quite a few years difference in age of the other grandies and Charli, she was never to old to have fun!

There is one area that Charli & I don't see eye to eye.  That would be horses.  Horses terrify me!!!
 She has had her own horse since she was four or five;   a Shetland pony named Sunflower and she still has her.  

 Charli even had one of her senior photos taken with Sunflower. 

  Her other horse 'Brandi', was the one I went to the Bemidji Fair to see her show Brandi.   I was so impressed with the confidence Charli had sitting in the saddle and demonstrating the skills of 'rider and horse'. 

Ever since she was very young, Charli has always wanted to be a Veterinarian.  She is currently looking at colleges that will best help her fulfill that dream.  She has a long road ahead of her, because of her determination I think she will be one of the finest caring veterinarians around. 

I am so proud of the young woman she has become, with high standards and good morals. 
And can't wait to tell her how proud I am of her when she's here for Thanksgiving!

Happy Birthday to our Beautiful Granddaughter Charli!!!

And that's the way it is...............


  1. Such a nice birthday tribute for such a lovely young lady. All the best to her as she pursues her dreams.

  2. Beautiful tribute to your granddaughter. Michael's granddaughters treat me as if I was their "real" grandmother--it's nice!

  3. beautiful and smart and talented. she will be a great vet... and she is most definitely your granddaughter. you are blessed and so is she

  4. You are blessed to have Charli in your life,but I am sure she also is blessed to have you in her life.

  5. What a beautiful young lady. And she is going to be a Vet. That is a wonderful occupation when her career is what she desires. Pictures are beautiful of her.

  6. Сиалис принадлежит к той же группе лекарств от эректильной дисфункции, что и виагра, и сегодня является одним из самых популярных препаратов для восстановления сексуального здоровья. Сиалис и виагра действуют аналогично, восстанавливая приток крови к половому члену и обеспечивая эрекцию при стимуляции.

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    Действующее вещество – тадалафил. Принцип действия – ингибитор фосфодиэстеразы-5. Форма выпуска – таблетка желто-оранжевого цвета. Дозировка: 2,5, 5, 10, 20, 40 мг. Принимать за 30 минут до полового акта. Продолжительность действия – до 36 часов. Побочные эффекты включают головную и мышечные боли, покраснение кожи и тошноту. С осторожностью применять мужчинам с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями. Несовместим с лекарствами-нитратами.


    Действующее вещество – силденафил. Принцип действия – ингибирование фосфодиэстеразы-5. Фома выпуска – ромбовидная таблетка синего цвета. Дозировка: 25, 50 и 100 мг. Дженерики могут содержать увеличенные дозировки до 150 мг. Принимать за 30-45 минут до полового акта. Продолжительность действия – до 4 часов. Побочные эффекты включают головную и мышечные боли, покраснение кожи, расстройства ЖКТ, изменения цветового зрения. С осторожностью применять мужчинам с заболеваниями сердца. Несовместима с лекарствами-нитратами. Также выпускается под названиями Виасан-ЛФ, Визарсин, Динамико, Камагра, Максигра, Потенцагра, Ревацио, Силденафил-СЗ.


    Активный ингредиент – варденафил. Принцип действия – ингибирование фосфодиэстеразы-5. Фома выпуска – круглая двояковыпуклая таблетка оранжевого цвета. Дозировка: 5, 10 и 20 мг. Принимать за 15-25 минут до полового акта. Продолжительность действия – от 4 до 5 часов. Побочные эффекты включают головную и мышечные боли, покраснение кожи, расстройства ЖКТ. С осторожностью применять мужчинам с заболеваниями сердца. Несовместима с лекарствами-нитратами. Другие названия препарата: Staxyn, Vivanza.
